Thursday, December 3, 2009

This is the End: Save this Class in Memory and Shut Down

Howdy-ho, dear readers! Is it that time already? The end of the semester in sight! I know for most of us, we are heavily involved in getting unit plans done and thinking about the holidays, where visions of lesson plans will dance in our heads. Since it is the end of this class in technology, it is time reflect on the semester that was.

I've learned much in this class. I always knew there was a wealth of information and resources out there on the internet to be used, but I never had the time, or the motivation, to go out and find it. I also always knew that there were resources on the internet to use as a teacher, but I always figured they had to be paid for. There is a lot free education stuff that will really come in use in the classroom!

Also, I knew about the digital divide, but perhaps not in that way. I've discovered ways to sort of bridge that gap as much as I can in my own classroom. This class has motivated me to make sure that what I teach is the best and most accurate content out there.

Those are really the main things that I can take away form this class. I will not be attending the last class since my brother is getting married and I am the best man. I apologize for missing it! This also happens to fall during the same time as the SEC Championship. Bummer. Anyway, this has been a great class and an experience that I will take with me into my classroom next year. The resources I have discovered are most valuable and I will use much of them. Until next time, studio listeners, ta-ta!


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