Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Technology in Classrooms? Yes!!

Technology is such a cool thing! Everytime I step into a classroom in the high schools, I always look around to see what kind of technology is being used. It is such a vital thing to have in today's classrooms. If technology has advanced so much in the last fifty, twenty, even five years, why are teachers so bent on using the same teaching methods that have been used for the last hundred years? There is so much information to be had out there on the internet! So much can be used in classrooms to help teach the students! I don't understand why teachers are so afraid to use technology? That means any technology. I know a lot of people are overwhelmed by it or get scared because there is a lot of technical gobblety-goo that turn people away. But even the most simple thing like showing a picture on the board or a map or video or anything like that will be som much more helpful in teaching.

Students are very visual people, and they learn a lot by what they see. If that's the case, then why aren't teachers using more visuals in their lessons? Is it because they want to focus so much on reading texts and books and papers? There are lots of texts and papers online. Even then, students find reading boring. It's something that we all know. Yet teachers are trying so hard to make the kids read so much that it overwhelms them. I agree that reading is a must and everyone needs to learn how to read simple things. But as teachers, shouldn't our first priority be to have the kids learn? We are still teaching them as teachers if we use a video or other visual to help teach them. It just may not be in text form. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Social studies in general can be very boring. I know, I was a history major. Using video or visuals can be very helpful. I think everyone has gone through the history class in high school that showed the opening scene in "Saving Private Ryan" or the D-Day scene or whatever. How much did that help in realizing how devastating the war was? Kids are always riveted by these things! Why aren't more teachers using it? Why does it always have to be books? Yes, books are great and I love them, too, but everyone gets tired of reading. And if kids are not reading because they are tired or overwhelmed, then we are not doing our job as teachers to TEACH.

Embrace technology! These kids today grew up with a laptop in their crib! This is the generation of Twitter and Facebook and texting and MySpace and whatever other social site is out there. They know technology, and they know it well. They never even played a Nintendo 64! And that is a shame. The November textbook backs this up by saying that kids don't ever remember a time without cell phones and the internet. Embrace it! They will understand easier! They like technology! Now is finally time for teachers to start, too. Your students will thank you. With a Tweet.


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